New Blogger Templates

I've had a couple of people ask me where I got my new template. I did a search online for new templates and came across Our Blogger Templates.

They have a pretty nice selection of beautiful templates, free for the taking. A lot of the templates also have the tab feature built in, so you can keep your blog organized and neat looking. They also have a few tutorials that come in handy if you decide to attempt making your own templates or to revamp the one you already have.

I haven't had a chance to read through the whole site yet, but from what I've already learned, this site is very helpful. Check them out if you're interested in changing the look of your blog!


fiftyodd June 1, 2008 at 11:52 PM  

Thanks for this tip. I am always scared to try to change my blog look, but would like to change my header from time to time. The current one is a photo taken from the back of my huband's boat.