Gas Prices

While driving through town last night, Mike pointed out that the gas prices went up......yet again. $3.85, and I was told that in the Milwaukee area, it went up to $4.05! And these prices are for the cheap stuff!

I don't really know exactly why the price keeps going up. There are so many stories circulating. Can someone please tell me one good reason for the rise in gas prices? Is there really a good reason?

It's getting to the point that we are working just for the purpose of putting gas in the tank. It's a vicious cycle. You have to work. You need gas to get there. You need more and more money to fill the tank, so you go to work.

Now, we have a teenager that drives, so that's another tank that needs filled. He will be working a summer job, but is it really worth it? He'll make just enough to keep gas in his car and not much more. It's just disgusting.

What are the gas prices in your area of the world? Leave me a comment and let me know. Also, if you know of a good reason for the rise in prices, let me know that, too.