Wrapping up Christmas

I dislike this time of year. There's something sad and lonely about taking down the Christmas decorations and putting the tree away. The house seems so cheerful and happy during the holiday season - I start the day after Thanksgiving and just now took everything down.

Upon dismantling the tree this year, I decided that next year I may get a new one. That in itself is kind of sad because I love my tree. We've had it for more years than I can remember, but it is getting kind of shabby. And the box.....well, let's just say it's seen better days. I had to actually use strapping tape to put it back together after putting the tree inside. It barely made it down the stairs to the basement for yet another year of storage.

So, now the house looks bare again, and not quite as cheerful. I think I'll keep the red cinnamon scented candles a little while longer, though. They smell so good and add a nice bit of color to the kitchen. 

Maybe I should begin decorating for Valentines Day already?