Happy Mother's Day to Me

I love Mother's Day! Even though you know your kids love you, they don't always say so. But today, one day out of the year, they go out of their way to show you how much they do.

Last night, after getting money from his grandparents, aunts, and uncles for his birthday, Tristan went to the store and came back with chrysanthemums and dahlias for me. The kids all know how much I love flowers, and these will go in my garden out back.

This morning, we had to go over to Mike's mother's house for lunch. The two youngest were already there, having spent the night there last night. When I got there, they had a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me and a wonderful, handmade card. They picked the flowers out themselves, and bought the ones they did because they "sparkle". "Mom loves sparkles," they said. They're right! I do!

Mike, bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers with bright green dyed flowers highlighted with pinks and whites.

So, I sit here, posting in my blog, surrounded by flowers. They smell wonderful, and make me smile.

Every day should be Mother's Day!