At the Store Last Night

Was it my mistake or the cashier's? Mike and I have differing opinions on the answer.

You see, last night we went grocery shopping. Normal stuff, but we had a cartful. I had put the 24-pack of bottled water on the bottom of the cart because, well like I said, the cart was full.

We went through the checkout and paid for everything, or so we thought. Maybe we did and just forgot. There's no way to tell since someone threw the receipt away as we walked out the door.

Anyway, we got out to the car and Mike and I were loading the bags into the back. When he bent down to get the water, he asked, "Did you put this up on the counter to pay for it?"

I said, "No, you were supposed to. You were on the end of the cart. Besides, the cashier is supposed to look to make sure the cart is empty. Did she look? She's supposed to come around with that barcode scanner thingy and scan it, after she looks to make sure you have everything up there. They do that so you don't have to lift the heavy stuff in and out of the cart a hundred times."

We stood there arguing for a minute or two while loading the groceries. When I suggested looking at the receipt to be sure, he told me he threw it away because he hated those things in his wallet. "They make it too bulky," he whined.

So, did we pay for the water? I don't know. Mike doesn't fully remember whether he put the water up on the belt or not. I KNOW I didn't, as I was on the front end of the cart paying for all of it. That's my job. I pay, he loads and unloads. It's always been that way.

He says I'm to blame if we didn't pay. I say he and the cashier are to blame.He should have put it up, like he always does, and she should have looked to make sure.

NOT my fault.