Teaching Kids Right From Wrong


It's tough. Being a parent, that is. I mean, we are responsible for making sure our kids know right from wrong. Not only that, but we are supposed to make sure they make the right decision. Knowing right from wrong is one thing. Actually making the decision to do the right thing is another.

For instance:

A child joins an athletic team. Said joining costs about $100 when all the physicals and fees are paid. Child goes to practice a couple of times and one actual game. The next day, child decides he doesn't want to do it anymore, and blames the reason on a medical condition he has.

What do you do?

A) Let the child quit because known medical condition is no laughing matter and if it's interfering with his performance, he should quit. Of course, parents did see child practicing and participating just fine with no adverse effects at all previous to this decision to quit. Maybe child just doesn't like it.

B) Make the child continue playing to instill the "Don't be a quitter" attitude for later use in life. Besides the cost to the parents, the team is counting on said child, right? One of the problems with today's youth is they have no morals. Here's a perfect opportunity to teach some.

Decisions, decisions. What would you do?


Aries February 16, 2011 at 12:02 AM  

It is tough being a parent at times like this. My son joined the takwando class when he was 9, got him the full uniform and paid the fees and after a month he complained that the training was too tough and his whole body ache after every session. He did quit but luckily, as for his scout, he had been a loyal scout till today at 17. We just never reminded him of the quiting incident and never label him as a quitter.

Live, Laugh, Blog February 16, 2011 at 2:43 PM  

It is tough, Aries. As much as I always wanted to be a parent, I dread times like these. I think he's going to quit, maybe. We left the decision up to him. He must like it a bit because he's thinking about it. He has a tendency to not do things that require work, so I think this is the main reason he wants to quit. It's too hard. But, he saw the notoriety his big brother got doing the same sport, and he wants that too, and has the potential to have it. He's good at it already. I hope he doesn't quit, but if he does, I'm sure something else will come along that will pique his interest and hopefully he'll do well. Thanks for commenting!