Winter Is Only Good For One Thing

I have decided that Winter is only good for one thing. Besides this one thing, Winter is useless. It's my least favorite season, and the older I get, the more I hate it. On the other hand, the older I get, the more I like this one thing. It's a love/hate relationship, really.

The one joy I get during the Winter months is not having to shave my legs. Yep, during the Winter months, my Pepe le Pew tattoo sports a beard, but so what. With long socks and long pants, I can go a good month before the husband says anything, and that my friends, is my cue to shave the tree stumps growing from my legs. Until then, I am au naturel, and loving it!

On a more.........appropriate topic, I recently started attending Becky's cheerleading practices in an effort to make her feel more comfortable with her epilepsy. She's gotten a little scared by the recent increase in her seizures and just feels better having me there. I had no idea the amount of work involved in their stunting and routines. Those girls work hard, and I really enjoy watching and helping to spot their stunts.

I never could understand why she was so tired after practice. Now, I know why. I'm very proud of her continued effort despite the seizures. She's an awesome girl!