Future Plans

Tristan and I were discussing his plans for the future today. He's got some scheduling conflicts with this year's schedule and needs to go in to the counselor's office tomorrow to resolve them. He's thinking he's going to have to drop his Advanced Biology class in order to fit in a couple of other classes that he feels are more important.

When he first started high school, he thought he might like to go into a science field. Genetics or some sort of Biology career. Now, he's thinking that something with foreign languages might be the way to go. It'll be more exciting, and the pay will be excellent, he says. Currently, he takes both German and Spanish in school. Those are the only two languages the school offers or he'd probably take more. He's very into those classes.

Anyway, I've always tried to instill in my kids the importance of doing well in school. I've also taught them that they can do anything they set their minds to. Hard work and determination will get them far in this world. "Do not sell yourself short," I always tell them.

Tristan caught me off guard during this talk. He asked me what my thoughts were when I graduated high school. Why I didn't go on to go to school and become something great. "You're really smart, Mom. You could've done anything," he told me.

Once I composed myself, I took the opportunity to use myself as an example. See, I did sell myself short. I was lazy. I didn't want to work hard, and I didn't want to go to college. My parents didn't push me to work hard, and they didn't even mention college to me. Now, at 36, I'm kicking myself for not going. I'm a housewife, destined to cook and clean for the rest of my life. There aren't many chances for someone like me to use their brains. I've come to the conclusion that if you don't use it, you lose it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to clean a toilet, you know what I mean?

By the end of our conversation, Tristan had a better understanding of what I mean when I tell him to work hard and not sell himself short. I felt like crap, but he was more confident. He's always worked hard and gotten excellent grades. I know he doesn't want to end up like me, living paycheck to paycheck, and having to worry constantly about money. He wants more, and that makes me happy.