Oh True Blood!

How excited is everyone that True Blood is back on? Come on, I know you are. How could you not be? Vampire, Witches, sex. It doesn't get any better than that. Well, it could get better if Alexander Skarsgard showed up at my house with a dozen roses and asked me out on a date, but that's another story for another time. This story is about the new season of True Blood.

What did you think about the witches? And the faeries or whatever they were? Crazy first episode to say the least. And what is up with Bill? How in the heck did he become so high and mighty? I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this season. I don't watch TV much, but make it a point to have nothing planned on Sunday nights at 8pm.

The family knows not to bother me when the show is on. I hole up in my bedroom with the door shut and the sound turned way up. I don't want to miss a thing! I don't answer the phone, and I don't play on the computer. I also have the show taping on DVR, just in case I miss something. I love this show!