Be Smart

I know it's Winter right now, and although a mild one, most people aren't thinking about outdoor activities such as camping, but it might be a good time to start preparing for it. For me, I'm all about the fun of it, and don't like messing around with the politics. The last thing on my mind is 5th wheel insurance, and really, it should be the first. I hate dealing with insurance companies, mainly because I don't understand all the technical jargon that goes along with it, but all that aside, it is important that you have adequate coverage in place should something happen.

For me, the easiest way to get around the whole insurance debacle is to have my husband deal with it. I'm not sure he understands it any more than I do, but he always seems to get it done. If that isn't an option for you (having your spouse do it, not, the next best thing is to go online, research various providers, and secure what you need. I've found it is relatively easy to gain vehicle insurance this way, and not that difficult to understand. We even have our car insurance this way. Still easier to have the Honey do it, but this works, too.