Another Christmas.....

has come and gone. Whew! Thank goodness. After two days of wrapping presents, visiting relatives, eating rich foods, and taking pictures, I'm glad it's over. I was kind of disappointed with Christmas this year. It was nice visiting with family that we don't see very often. The food was excellent. But, I think the kids were kind of disappointed. Money was tight this year, and Santa didn't bring tons and tons of gifts. When they got done opening their gifts, Tim looked at me and asked, "Is that it?"

We just cannot keep up with the other parents in the community. They all have beautiful houses, nice cars, and kids dressed in the best brand names. The kids come back to school with stories of getting gaming systems for Christmas. Ipods, brand name clothing, cell phones, and digital cameras. How in the world do you spend hundreds on EACH child? I just don't get it.

I don't usually let my disability get me down, but at Christmas time, it's hard not to be a little sad. If I didn't have this disability, I'd be able to work and contribute to the household. Christmas wouldn't be so skimpy. I know, I know. Christmas isn't about the presents. I try to teach the children that, but try remembering that, when your best friend is carrying around the Ipod that you've wanted for months.

Anyway, this feeling will soon pass. It usually doesn't stick around for long. The kids will be happy with what they got, and life will return to normal.


Tracy December 27, 2007 at 1:20 PM  

I can definitely see why you'd feel bad if your son seems to feel disappointed.

But when it's all said and done, I can tell that you already know, that you don't have to keep up with the other families in your community. You are you. It's just that sometimes these self doubts come to us.

But the truth is that our kids learn and grow through our circumstances, be those that we have financial struggles or whatever else. We just have to figure out how to help them understand and mentally frame things (and that is always a challenge but one that's worth all the effort!)