Teen Pregnancy

This survey brings up some good points, but it doesn't allow a person to elaborate. So, I'm going to go a bit further and tell you what I think.

It asks if a pregnant teen makes a good spokesperson against teen pregnancy. I answered no because even though they can tell of the hardships associated with teens having babies, I think it's such a commonplace occurrence today that no body's listening.

The survey asks if teen pregnancy is a preventable epidemic. I said no because although it is definitely preventable, I don't see a way to convince children not to do it. Obviously, if they're having sex, the chance is always there. The only way to NOT get pregnant is to NOT DO IT! I'm not naive. Kids do a lot of things their parents don't know about. Getting kids to be responsible, and to think of the consequences beforehand is almost impossible during their teenage years. All a parent can do is give their children the tools to make the right decisions and hope they use them.