Revolution Money Exchange

Have you heard of it? It's a service similar to Paypal. You can receive money, send money, and transfer money, all from your account.

What's really neat about it is, they will credit your new account with $25 instantly! This promotion is for new account sign-ups only, and is only offered one time. You can do whatever you want with the money. Transfer it to a bank account if you wish, send it to someone, or shop with it.

Since this is a new service, they are also offering $10 for each referral you send their way. If anyone signs up under you, your account will be credited $10 instantly. You can make up to $500 in a year referring people to their service.

If you're interested, you can email me at, and include your email address. I'll send you an invite.


Anonymous February 9, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

Hi Surfed your blog. Nice one keep up the good work and be sure i'll be back soon.
Check out mine

you can send me an invite at