There's Nothing Wrong-Update on Rebecca

So, we went to the neuroscience specialist in Milwaukee yesterday, hoping he could shed some light on the subject of Rebecca's eyes. And shed some light, he did!

According to him, there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. She just needed glasses.

Let me explain the best I can. He used lots of big words, but I got the idea. What the other doctor saw was not swelling on her optical nerves. Rebecca is far-sighted, and far-sighted people have smaller eyes. Smaller eyes do not allow for enough room for the millions of optic fibers and nerves to lay smoothly in the optic nerve. This produces a bunching up of the fibers at the entrance to the optic nerve, making it look swollen.

According to him, this is normal, and he sees it alot. He's seen it look much worse than what Rebecca's looks. This is her normal, and it causes no problems. She does have somewhat of a lazy eye, but her new glasses will help to correct that. Her right eye is much worse than her left eye, but there again, her glasses are helping her tremendously.

So, there's nothing wrong with her brain. There's nothing wrong with her eyes. She just needs glasses.

I'm so glad this has come to an end. You cannot begin to understand the relief I felt when he explained things to us and showed us illustrations. Rebecca is not going blind. I cried when he told us.