Have you seen the old Alfred Hitchcock movie 'The Birds'? They left something out in that movie. You know there couldn't have been that many birds without the whole town being covered in bird poo.
I swear I'm in a remake of the movie here. Only in my version, there's bird poo covering every surface. I'm not kidding. I think the kids used their sidewalk chalk to draw a big red target on our roof, and the birds take turns flying over, dropping their waste in an effort to see who can get the closest to the target. Most are apparently bad shots since our driveway looks like a drunk painted random white lines from one end to the other.
My decorations in the garden are streaked white, with dots of black thrown in here and there. My windows are spotted with bird poo, to the point that I don't even want to open the shades anymore. I tried washing the windows, only to have them spotted the next day.
Our cars, which aren't in the garage due to Mike's current boat project, look as if someone took a paint brush full of white paint and slung it at the vehicles. Mike turned his wipers on yesterday morning in an effort to clear a spot to see out of and only managed to smear the mess. He had to wash the windshield by hand. I thought it was comical. He didn't.
I love the birds, don't get me wrong. I'm just wondering what is different this year. I don't think I've seen this much bird poo in my life!
The Birds
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Live, Laugh, Blog
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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