Flood Coverage Continued

Well, the rain has stopped.....for now. It's a nice day today. There's a slight breeze, and the sun is shining. The flood waters have receded a bit, at least in my area. There's still large pools of water standing in the fields, and our yard, but at least the roads are passable now.

Our basement, as well as everyone else's that I've heard from, is still wet. The flow has slowed to an out-of-control trickle that the floor drain and the sump pump can keep up with now. I have laundry to do, but the thought of trudging through the half inch of water to do it doesn't appeal to me at all. Maybe tomorrow.

It's as if Mother Nature is saying, "Hey, I'm sorry for the way I acted last night. Here's some sunshine as an apology. Have a nice day."

I'm not buyin' it, Sister. I know as soon as you get your panties in a bunch again, you'll let'er fly with more storms and tornadoes and floods. You haven't been very kind to us over the last year, what with the harsh winter and now this. I just don't believe you.

There's rain (and storms) in the forecast for the entire weekend. No rest for the weary, I guess. My heart goes out to the poor farmers that are hanging on by a thread with their crops. Most of them are under water, probably a loss this year. More rising food prices on the horizon, I'm sure.

Oh well. What are you gonna do, right? I'm thankful that we're all safe. I'm thankful that my house is in one piece, although a bit soggy. And I'm thankful to see another day.