Pregnant? Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood

I know this subject tends to be controversial, but how boring would life be without controversy? I happen to think that saving your newborn baby's cord blood for future use is a smart thing to do. Stem cell research has come a long way, and has been used in the treatment of over 70 diseases. It is also being used in some pre-clinical trial (non-human) to possibly treat disorders such as cardiovascular disease, stoke, and diabetes.

The blood from your baby's umbilical cord contains important stem cells that are an exact match for any other siblings he may have. It is also a match for the mother, and quite possibly other immediate members of the family. If you knew now that later on down the road, stem cells from your baby's umbilical cord could quite possibly save the life of that child, or even another member of your immediate family, you'd probably make the decision without hesitation to save that blood.

Cryo-Cell Innovative Stem Cell Solutions is America's most established family cord blood bank. They've helped over 150,000 families preserve their newborn's cord blood for future use against potential diseases and disorders. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity that should be trusted to someone that knows the value and the importance of the process.

Cryo-Cell's "Protect Baby, Protect Mom" combination package is being offered for a limited time. This package allows families to collect stem cells from the newborn's umbilical cord, and to collect the potentially life-saving stem cells from Mom's menstrual blood. The "Protect Baby, Protect Mom" Special Limited-Time Introductory Offer provides enhanced family safeguard protection and a family healthcare investment that may potentially increase in value over time as regenerative medical therapies emerge.