How Much?!

I was talking with my Aunt today. See, they just recently moved to Wisconsin, but they are about 2 1/2 hours away from here. We were talking about how it would be easy for me to leave the kids with Mike, jump on a bus (since I can't drive), and come spend the weekend with her.

What a great idea, huh? A weekend away from the kids, all by myself, acting silly like my Aunt and I are known to do. Yes sir, a good idea indeed.

So, we start checking into bus lines. Who goes from my neck of the woods to her neck of the woods at the best price. This is where our plan fell apart.

We checked online, and offline. She on her computer, me on mine. The phone book sitting in front of me, open to the bus transportation section. Did you know you can't get there from here? Not on a bus anyway. The only bus we found that would take me there was Greyhound. And that one wanted me to go an hour south, out of my way, and then go three and a half hours north to get to where I want to go. The price? $198!

Mike and I go up there, and remember it's a 2 1/2 hour trip one way, for right around $50, round trip!

So, my dreams of becoming an independent traveler and visiting my Aunt (and Grandma) are not to be. I'll have to rely on Mike, as usual. And all the kids will be in tow, as usual.

I so miss driving. I think out of all the things I'm not able to do anymore, that's the one I miss the most. It sure cuts down on the independence factor without it.