One of Those Days

Have you ever had a day where you feel like doing something, but there really isn't anything to do that interests you? I mean, there's laundry to do, housecleaning that needs to be done, and gardening to do, but none of that sounds like anything I want to do.

I've cleaned house till I'm blue in the face. It's too hot outside to do any gardening, and the laundry? Well, it's laundry. Never very exciting.

I would love to go shopping. That would be fun. But then again, there really isn't anything that I need. So, no shopping.

Mike and Tristan will be home soon. I'll have to make supper. At least it's something to do to take up some time in this boring day. I can only hope that tomorrow is better. The laundry will be waiting....


Donna July 1, 2008 at 8:00 PM  

So why didn't you call me...YOUR

Live, Laugh, Blog July 1, 2008 at 8:47 PM  

And how would THAT help me? You're 2 1/2 hours away! LOL