My least favorite day of the week has to be Sunday. I can't explain the feeling that Sunday has associated with it for me. It's almost a depressed feeling. From the time I wake up until I go to bed that night, a cloud hangs over me all day.
Maybe it's because the weekend is almost over, and everyone will return to work or school and I'll be left home alone again on Monday. Or maybe it's because it's just a lazy day. I have a hard time just sitting around doing nothing, but everyone else in the family takes Sunday as a lazy day and does nothing. It's TV and holding the couch down all day long.
Maybe it's because Mike spends all day long watching nothing but sports. Fishing in the morning, baseball and football in the afternoon. In between is ESPN to catch scores from all over the US. I hate watching sports. An occasional game here or there is fine, but all day long is too much.
I just really hate Sundays.
Least Favorite Day Of The Week
Posted by
Live, Laugh, Blog
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Labels: Sunday
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