Speakers For My Laptop

The speakers on my laptop are good for....well, nothing. Even turned up all the way, I can hardly hear anything coming out of them. So, I ordered a set of speakers from The Speaker Company. I was expecting a couple of small speakers that plug in to my laptop. You know, computer speakers. Small, compact, not the greatest sound, but better than what you already have.

I got them in the mail today. Just let me say, I was pleasantly surprised. Apparently, I hadn't read the description very well, because the speakers came with a subwoofer and a wired remote control! Bonus!

So, I unpacked everything, and got it all hooked up. The only thing I can say I didn't like is the fact that they didn't come with a manual. A manual, you ask? Yes, I'm going to admit to being temporarily stupid. I got everything hooked up, turned it all on, found some music to play, and......NOTHING. I checked my connections, checked my settings on the laptop, everything. Still no sound. It was about fifteen minutes before I figured out that the left and right speakers have to be connected in their left and right places on the subwoofer. I had them backwards. Once I changed it, I had sound.

See, I could have went online to their website and looked up the manual, but I was too lazy. If I had had the manual right here with me, I would have spent much less time figuring out the problem.

Anyway, they sound great. They even have a control to turn the bass up or down. I love that feature because some songs just sound better with more bass. They look great too!

So, I'm very pleased with my new speakers. Now, I can watch the videos on Hulu, and not have to yell at the rest of the family to shut up so I can hear!