Dealing With Grief

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. It's been a really trying couple of weeks around here. I'm still dealing with a bad back, although it is starting to feel a little bit better. I had X-rays done at the end of last week, and am waiting for the doc to let me know what's up with it.

I have a terrible cold that Tristan so kindly shared with me and the rest of the family. I woke up this morning and went to the medicine cabinet for some cold medicine, and imagine my surprise when I find the empty cold medicine box still in the cabinet. Everyone used it all up, and didn't bother to tell me it was gone. So, I'm all stuffy today. Figures.

Earlier this week, we had a death in the family. Our old dog, Missy, got hit by a car when I put her out to use the bathroom. She was eleven, and we had her since she was six weeks old. It's been hard on all of us. She was actually Tristan's dog, and he's taking it the hardest. I gave him her collar, and he hung it up in his room. We all miss her so much. I still cry when I think about her.

So, I haven't felt much like blogging. I haven't felt much like anything with this back pain. I hope the doc calls today with my results. At this point, after two months of pain, I'm willing to try anything just to get rid of it. I think the next step is physical therapy or a chiropractor.

Anyway, I'm here physically, maybe not so much mentally.


Unbalanced Libra October 11, 2008 at 5:35 PM  

Oh Shawn! I'm so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))