The Kids

We've been pretty busy around here lately. It seems as soon as school started, life as we knew it ceased to exist. Our days are filled with homework, after school activities, and so much more!

Now, finally, it seems to have slowed down a bit. Football season is over. Tristan's team made it to the playoffs, but lost their first game. Volleyball season is over. Rebecca's team did really well, winning more than they lost. Timothy's football season is over, too. They also won more games than they lost. Now, we have about two weeks before wrestling season starts and it begins again.

This past Friday, on Halloween, Mike and I took the kids trick-or-treating in his sister's neck of the woods. It was actually a fun, fun time! For one, the kids actually got to trick-0r-treat after dark! Now, I know most of you probably don't understand the significance of that statement, but here in Wisconsin, they schedule a time for the kids to go trick-or-treating. It's usually on the weekend before Halloween, for two hours during the afternoon, before dark. This year, it was scheduled for 5-7pm. It gets dark around 6pm or so and the kids had a ball! The town's fire engine and rescue squad came out and handed out candy, and the kids made out like bandits! There were some really great costumes, too. One lady dressed her wiener dog up like a hot dog - a bun on either side with mustard and ketchup. It was great!

I got a couple of pictures of the kids dressed up. Keep in mind that these pictures were taken AFTER we got back from trick-or-treating, and they were pretty tired.
Then, there's Homecoming. Tristan and his girlfriend were voted the best dressed. What do you think about that green? Pretty cool, huh?

So, that's about it for now. I'm still doing the ChaCha, and patiently waiting for my other job to come to light. My computer hasn't arrived yet, but it should be here sometime this week.