It's a (Dangerous) Winter Wonderland Outside

This winter has been a doozy, to say the least. We've had tons of snow, and lots of cold, cold weather. It's also been a strange one. We'll get feet of snow for a week straight, then the next week will be above freezing and everything melts, only to start over again the next week with the snow and cold. You just never know what you're going to get here in Wisconsin!

A couple of days ago, we got another somewhat warm snap for a day that brought about melting snow and freezing rain. As soon as the freezing rain stopped, the temperatures dropped and the ice stayed. The roads were literal skating rinks, with not-so-smart drivers venturing out only to end up in the ditch. The plows were out, but there's only so much you can do with ice when it won't melt. Salt does little more than add to the problem, as whatever melts refreezes.

Our driveway is super slick and shiny. While it is pretty, and as a kid I'd probably try my hand at skating on it, it is a major problem right now. Mike has almost hit the garage on two occasions, because brakes on vehicles have nothing on a driveway covered in ice. Salt isn't melting it, it's too cold. You just get in your car, put her in drive, and hope for the best. It's a crap shoot every time.

The backyard where the dogs go outside is just as slick. Our yard slopes away from the house at a slight angle, and the snow is frozen solid, shiny. The dogs go out and slide until they hit something that catches them. It's quite comical actually, but I am afraid they are going to hurt themselves. You can just see them digging their toenails into the ice to climb back up to the door. I'd shovel, but there again, it's frozen solid.

The kids tried sledding on the solid ice/snow. They were able to go from the back door all the way to the neighbor's adjoining yard without even pushing. They, at least, have found a use for the stuff!

So, this morning, the sun is out, but I doubt it's doing any good to melt the evil ice that has taken over our neighborhood. Since the temperature is only in the single digits, the ice has the upper hand. I wonder when we'll see normal ground again? Something a little less shiny, please.