The Inside of a Computer

I'm not much of a computer whiz, but I know how frustrating it can be to want to do something on your computer and not be able to because it just doesn't have the right equipment for the task. Such is the story of my kids and the "family" computer in the living room. It's an older computer, about 5 or 6 years old now, and today's games just do not function properly on it.

I don't know how many times I've caught a child of mine either cursing at the screen or slamming the mouse around trying to play a game and the computer not cooperating. I've been told by my increasingly frustrated son, that it's because the video card inside the computer isn't up to par. He may be right, but what do I know?

You see, the computer I'm typing to you on right this minute is mine, and only mine. Mike bought me a laptop to use because I could never get to the family computer for the kids. My laptop has everything needed to play such games, but no matter how many times the kids ask, I won't let them on it. It's an ongoing battle around here, but not one I'm going to surrender to.

I'm thinking it might be time to upgrade the family computer. I never use it anymore, but it is slow and outdated. Besides, by doing so will probably get the kids off my back, at least for a little while. Even a little while will be a blessing, however short it might be.


6boyzmom May 7, 2009 at 10:53 PM  

Hi! I love your blog , and wanted to say that my Jordan is also a mouse slammer. I keep telling him that it won't help!

fiftyodd June 9, 2009 at 1:10 PM  

My son, aged 29, still loves computer games. I just don't understand it, although I do myself like Mahjong!

Leo December 5, 2009 at 12:23 PM  

Ur sons.. my boy friends first love is FIFA.. wat do i do... he sometimes .. actually most of the tymes ignores me coz of games