There Are Times When Winter Is A Blessing

Actually, there is only one instance, that I can think of, when winter is a blessing.

And that is, when it comes time to shave one's legs and/or armpits.

I hate shaving. It takes too long, and has to be repeated way too often during the summer months. I have yet to figure out why I (me, personally) need to do it. I mean, it's not like I'm turning heads when I walk into a room. I bet no one would even notice if I didn't shave during the summer. I could walk into the grocery store, bushy-legged, braids hanging from my armpits, and not one person would comment.

OK, that may be a stretch, because I know I'd say something to someone if I saw a sight like that.

Anyway. As I was saying. I hate, hate, hate shaving. Do you get that? I HATE it! But, during the winter months, though, I don't have to! Jeans and sweatshirts do not allow for view of my hairy legs and armpits, so why bother?

For some, this is probably one of those, "Oh my gawd! How can you live like that?" moments. For me, it's Heaven. You may also be feeling sympathy for my husband, who is the only one privileged or cursed enough to see me au naturel. To you, I say, "Don't feel so sorry for the man that farts in bed and thinks bodily smells/sounds are funny." If you ask me, I'm the victim here. Who knows? Maybe he likes it. Personally, I don't care. He will suck it up and like it if he knows what's good for him......and he does.

I honestly don't know why I'm telling you all this. Maybe it's my huge dislike for winter. It's dragging on, with no end in sight any time soon. With the days ending so early, the cold temperatures, the snow, the dreariness, maybe I needed to find something good about it.

Or maybe it's the fact that while in the shower this evening, I looked down and became frightened when I thought that a freakish, hairy little creature was in the shower with me. When I realized it was my leg, I began to wonder just how long it had been since I had shaved last. Looking at my right armpit gave me an idea that it had to be at least a month ago.

I grabbed the razor, and began the arduous task of shaving my legs and armpits. It took so long, I actually used all the hot water! I even discovered a tattoo that I forgot I had. It was almost like Christmas all over again! I'm happy to say that, at least for a day or two, I'm smooth and sexy.

Now, if I can just get that husband of mine to be less......male.


Donna January 17, 2010 at 9:30 PM  

I laughed my ass off...thank goodness for winter!