Sometimes Life is Like That

Whew! It's been a while, I guess. I don't know where the time goes, but it sure goes fast. Summer is almost over, and I feel as if I've slept through most of it. It all seems a blur. Sad too, because Tristan leaves in the Fall for college....out of state. I really thought I'd spend more time with him this summer, but it hasn't happened yet. You know, the whole "I'm an adult now, and can come and go as I please." I swear, he goes more than he comes. I guess that's normal though, huh?

I just found out that a good friend of mine is going through some marriage difficulties. Funny, because for one, we're good friends and I didn't even have a clue, and two, because they are the perfect couple. You know the kind. They are the ones that make you want to puke when you see them in public hanging all over each other and smooching all the time. I was totally floored, to be honest. Turns out they don't see eye to eye on most subjects. Go figure. I guess some people are just full of surprises. Or just full of it. I'm not sure which. They'll be going for relationship coaching to see if they can find a way to agree. I have to hand it to them. At least they're going to try.

Let's see, what else?

Oh, we had Tristan's graduation party this past weekend. Have to say, the party was great, but the turnout was pitiful. Mike grilled all morning long, and I slaved in the kitchen all morning. We bought enough soda to quench the thirst of an army of teenagers. We set up chairs, tables, and decorations. It was beautiful. And, it was all over by 6pm. Everyone left, and no one else showed up after that. I didn't even need to turn on my strands of lighted decorations. It was very disappointing. On the flip side, Tristan did make out pretty well in the gift/money department from the guests that did show up, so it wasn't all bad. He'll have about $400 more to add to his bank account for college and some much needed necessities for his dorm room. I tell ya, I'm glad this kind of thing doesn't happen every day!

So, that's it for now. I've been busy, busy, busy, but really would like to get back to this whole blogging thing. It's kind of therapeutic, ya know?