Disney Vacation in the Works?

Since I started working from home, I've read a lot about Disney. I have a good friend to thank for that, which brings to mind another post.....

Anyway, she visits Disney every year, twice. It's crazy. She and her family love it. I've never been. Never really had any inkling to.....until now. Reading all her posts about their trips and how much fun they have makes me curious. I mean, I like Cinderella, too.

So, Mike and I have been talking. And talking. And talking some more about maybe taking a vacation to Disney. It's a big maybe at this point, but just the fact that we're talking about it has me really excited.

We've talked about using a Disney vacation planner because we really have no idea what we're doing. You know, you can get their services for free a lot of the time? How cool is that? Saving money anywhere you can, that's how cool that is.

So, I really don't know at this point if the Disney vacation will ever come to light, but I sure hope it does. It would be so much fun for the kids now that they are older. Hell, it would be so much fun for this old kid!