Getting Easier

Seems to be the only way I get to hear how things are going with Tristan lately is through the FB. That's Facebook for all you computer illiterates out there. I signed on over the weekend to see, "Wow! Third week of school already?" set as his status.


Seems to me like he's been gone forever. I miss him, but it is getting easier. At least I don't tear up standing in the hallway at the top of the stairs looking at the closed door to his room anymore.......much.

His status before that was, "Wow! Twas a good night."

Do you see a pattern here with the "wow?"

I don't even want to know why it was a good night.

He calls every once in a while to update us on what he's up to. The last piece of news we got was that he got into a fraternity, so that's good. I think. I've seen the movies, so the jury is out on that one.

Anyway, life has gone on since my oldest has left the nest and is obviously making a life for himself sans his mother. It's OK. This is the way it's supposed to be, or so I'm told. I just never really thought he could make it without me.

I'm sure most mothers harbor this thought until that day when it finally happens and their kids do actually survive without their mothers. We're just never quite prepared for it, though.