I had to go into the school yesterday for a meeting with the principal. There's this girl on the bus that's been harassing my two youngest, and it's turned violent. She's in fifth grade, and has been doing most of her damage on my youngest who is in second grade.
Friday, she stabbed him in the mouth with a pencil, putting a hole in his gum. She is just a horrible little girl, and I've had enough! I don't think a week's gone by that one of the kids hasn't gotten off the bus crying because she's done something to them. I've talked to the principal and the bus driver in the past over the phone. This time, I went in in person, and I took pictures of his mouth with me!
Apparently, this little girl has lots of problems, and this isn't the first time someone's complained about her. She's been caught trying to make plans to kill another student! It just scares me to death, that she's decided to "pick" on my children.
To fix the problem quickly and get my kids away from her, I had them switched to a different bus. Luckily, there's another bus that goes right past here a few minutes earlier than the one they're on now.
I don't know what I'm going to do as far as retaliation for her stabbing my son. I'm not a sue happy person, and he's fine now, but I kind of feel like this little girl needs something. She needs to learn proper behavior, and maybe she needs some help. I found out she's adopted, and came from a not-so-happy home. I don't know what kind of home she's in now, but most fifth graders aren't so violent.
Anyway, I'm still deciding, but for now at least my kids are safe.
Busride From Hell
Posted by
Live, Laugh, Blog
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hi, first time visiting your blog.
OMG! I can't believe kids can be this violent? Why would someone intentionally stab someone in the mouth with a pencil? Why didn't the bus driver do anything about it? That kid seriously needs counseling.
I'm glad that you switched bus for your kids. That's just mad.
So freakin violent. Hope that the society won't go worse(I was going to type badder) than this.
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