Before I Die

Is there something you've always thought about doing, but just haven't gotten around to it yet? Or maybe money is an issue, like it is for me. I would love to take a cruise some time before I die. Actually, taking one before I'm too old to enjoy it is high on my to-do list. Maybe some day when the kids are all grown and out of the house, Mike and I will be able to go. It just seems like the perfect vacation.

I've already been doing some research on the cost of a cruise, just in case I can find some great cruise deals that will make my dreams come true faster. There are some great all inclusive packages out there, but with three kids, it just isn't practical at the present time to spend the money on something that extravagant.

I will take a cruise..... one day.


Unknown June 6, 2008 at 3:18 PM  

We took a cruise for our honeymoon and we can't wait to go again. Realistically, it won't happen, but the dream is still there. Like you said, maybe one day when the kids are all grown up.


Mel Avila Alarilla June 6, 2008 at 7:45 PM  

Hi Shawn,
I pray to the Lord that you will realize your dream very soon. Just paste a photo of the ship you want to ride on in the wall of your room and pray everyday using that photo as a living image in your mind. Tell the Lord the reasons why you want to take that cruise. our God is a magnanimous God, He will definitely grant you your wish if your heart and mind are in your prayer. Thanks for your post. God bless you and your family.