Last Day of Freedom

Today is the last day of school for the kids.

Good news for them. Not so much for me.

Don't get me wrong. I love my children, and I love spending time with them. I just wish the two younger ones could learn to get along! I know it's normal for siblings to argue and bicker, but my goodness! It is constant, all day long! And over such stupid things! She doesn't kick the ball right. He's looking at her. It never ends! I want to pull my hair out and go running down the street screaming sometimes!

So, they will be home starting tomorrow.

Since I can't drive, and Tristan is off from his summer job on Friday afternoons, I think we're going to designate that time for some get-out-of-the-house fun time. We'll go to the community pool or the library or something of that nature on Fridays......IF they can behave the rest of the week. I realize that's probably a big if, and we'll probably spend more Fridays at home than not, but it'll give them something to shoot for. And maybe, I'll have a less stressful summer than what I'm expecting.

Wish me luck!