Do You Know Your Acne Treatment?

I for one, can understand the effects that acne has on a person. I'm in my thirties, and still dealing with acne. As a matter of fact, it's worse now than when I was a teenager. But, such is the way of things, and we have to find ways to deal.

There are many acne treatments on the market. Each claims to clear acne and leave you with glowing, soft skin. The truth is, many don't work, and if they do clear your skin, it is left less than glowing and soft. Many treatments leave skin very dry and peeling. Take Differin, for example. While it may work over time, most users noticed a dramatic worsening in their acne before it got better. It also drys the skin to the point of peeling. If you can get past these problems, it may actually work for you in the long run.

There are other treatments out there that do work as they claim, and are safer to use. has all the information you need to make an informed decision as to which acne treatments work, which ones don't, and which ones are safe. They also list retail prices in addition to the lowest price available on the Net. You no longer have to guess and spend hundreds, or even thousands, on treatments that don't work.