I'm thinking about buying Mike a new gas grill for Father's Day. The charcoal grill we currently have is very old, and several years ago, the children used it as a platform to jump off of into the snowbanks. The wooden side tray is all bent downward from their jumping, so you can't place anything on it anymore. The bottom is rusting through and ash falls to the ground.
I'm not sure about getting the gas grill, though. He always raves about how much better the flavor is from the charcoal grills. What opinions do you have about the difference between the two? Should I stick with the charcoal or go for the gas one which is much more impressive?
Gas Grills vs. Charcoal Grills
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Live, Laugh, Blog
Friday, May 25, 2012
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Thank you so much, Spiritsisters! I'm so glad you are enjoying my blog! It means so much that you took the time to tell me your opinion and award me such an honor. I will display it with pride!
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