Last night was Becky's 8th grade graduation, and I have to brag a little. Not only did she look beautiful, and I am so incredibly proud of her, I was able to find her a dress that cost me next to nothing! Even though it was only an 8th grade graduation, the girls dress up, big time. They spend hundreds of dollars on dresses: it's a big to-do.
Anyhow, we were at Goodwill, and this dress just called her name. She tried it on, and it was a perfect fit. I mean, P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Like it was made just for her. Unfortunately, it had a couple of stains on it. I was confident I could get them out so we bought it.
I paid $5!
The stains came out, and it was absolutely gorgeous! Tristan's girlfriend did her hair and makeup.
Find of the Century
Posted by
Live, Laugh, Blog
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Isn't she the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?!
Lord, what am I going to do when it's time for prom?
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