Blog Roll

I've been thinking about starting a section on my blog with other blogs that I find interesting. I really enjoy reading what others have to say, and I've learned a lot of things I didn't know just by reading other blogs.

So, if anyone is interested, I'd like to add your links to my blog in exchange for you adding my link to your blog. No adult content, though. As much as everyone likes reading/talking about sex, I'd like to keep this blog at least PG rated.

You can email me at if you're interested in exchanging links. Send me your link, and add mine ( to your blog. I'll check it out and add your link to my list. I think this is a good way to drive traffic to your blog and mine, and to find some good reading material!


Anonymous January 5, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

I missed this post! I'd totally love to exchange links with you if you are interested!

Here's mine:

I'm fixing to go link you now!

Live, Laugh, Blog January 5, 2008 at 10:01 PM  

Thanks! I've got both of your blogs linked!