Now, I'm not that old. But I can remember when I was a child watching TV. You didn't see commercials for tampons and maxi pads. You didn't see commercials featuring women in their bras and panties or men in their underwear. I don't think they even advertised diapers on TV.
What about curse words in today's sitcoms? You never used to hear ANY curse words on TV. No one said "damn" or "ass". If any show featured more than a kiss, I don't remember seeing it. There was never any talk about homosexuality, or any scenes where people of the same sex actually kissed.
I'm not complaining by any means. I have to admit that TV is so much more interesting today. What about reality TV? I love reality TV! The medical shows, like Dr. G Medical Examiner and Trauma, Life in the ER. Or American Idol. I can't get enough!
I was just sitting here thinking about what I used to watch when I was younger and how I ever lived without these shows. I don't watch a lot of TV during the summer or even during the day for that matter, but during the winter months when there's nothing better to do, I look forward to them.
There are no limits it seems nowadays in TV. Anything goes. Sex, drugs, curse words, violence. The more the better, is how it seems. I just wonder how all this programming is affecting our children. I've heard arguments for and against the violence and sex on TV. Some say it doesn't have any affect on our children, that they know it's not real. Some say that it influences our children, and shapes the way they behave. I do know there have been times that I've had to make the children leave the room or close their eyes during a scene that I didn't feel comfortable with them watching.
I know most parents probably don't pay too much attention to what their children watch on TV. I don't limit mine too much except for when it comes to sex scenes or movies showing nudity. It's definitely not acceptable for my two youngest, and my teenager.....well, he's 15. He doesn't need any encouragement.
What does any of this have to do with anything? I just question the ways of the world sometimes. Is it right? I don't know. Is it wrong? It might be. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, right?
Tampax Commercials & Curse Words in the Story Line
Posted by
Live, Laugh, Blog
Monday, December 31, 2007
Labels: sex on TV , TV , violence on TV
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