Serving Jail Time

A man that used to work second shift on my husband's machine will be serving a maximum of 40 years in prison with 20 years of probation for the murder of his wife.

Last summer, Timothy Bradshaw walked into the church where his wife worked and shot her twice. He then turned the gun on himself in an attempted suicide, but survived, scarring his face. They had been having troubles in their marriage, and had filed for divorce just two weeks before.

He originally pleaded guilty to first degree intentional homicide by reason of mental disease or defect, but changed his plea to no contest on a lesser charge of reckless homicide.

His wife's family decided to offer the plea deal in an attempt to keep his case from going to trial. They say they just wanted justice for her, not revenge on Tim. They even went as far as to say they feel sorry for him.

Tim will definitely serve prison time for what he did. Sentencing is scheduled for March. I hope the judge gives him the maximum sentence. If so, he'll probably never see the light of day again. He's 57.

As for feeling sorry for the guy, I don't think so. From what I gathered, Tim knew what he was going to do beforehand. The day of the murder, he came into work and just sat there for an hour. He didn't start his machine. He didn't speak to anyone. He got up, took his toolbox, and left without a word. The next thing we hear, he's shot his wife to death and shot himself. The sad part of this whole thing, and the person I feel sorry for is their 16 year old son. Now, he has no mother or father. That's who they should feel sorry for, not the murdering SOB that killed this child's mother!