A Thousand Socks in a Basket

OK, a thousand might be over-exaggerating by a couple. I have a basketful of socks sitting here staring me in the face. I LOATHE folding socks! Fact: A family of five can dirty a basketful of socks in a matter of two days, tops.

I hated balling those silly foot coverings BEFORE I lost my eyesight. Now, my hatred has turned into full-fledged loathing for the things! The men's socks all look the same, but alas they are not. I'm reminded of this fact every time someone pulls a pair out of their drawer and they don't match.

I've tried not sorting and matching the pairs and just leaving them in the basket for the rest of the family to fend for themselves. The results? The youngest has Dad's socks on, pulled up to the middle of his thighs. The oldest, is wearing MY socks because that's the first matching pair he found and is too lazy to find his own. My husband yells that his sock drawer is empty and stomps down to the basement to find a pair. I can hear him through the floor, complaining. Apparently no one else likes sorting and matching socks either.

I think folding socks has to rank right up there with scrubbing the toilet. Imagine that when there's three males in the house that are apparently as blind as I am!


Anonymous January 3, 2008 at 11:51 AM  

Hey Shawn!

How about giving each family member a pillowcase and letting them put their socks in the case. Then you could just throw the pillowcase in the washing machine and when you take it out of the dryer, each person's socks will be all together in one spot, no sorting!

You'd have to find a way to close the case, like having a zipper put in or something, but that is minor, I believe.

Live, Laugh, Blog January 3, 2008 at 12:25 PM  

Hey, that's a great idea! I knew there was a reason I posted about socks! There had to be someone out there that could solve my dilema! Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous January 5, 2008 at 11:25 AM  

I hate laundry, too. So I try to come up with ideas that make it easier. Let me know how the pillowcase idea works for you!

JoshC January 5, 2008 at 12:59 PM  

Socks are actually intelligent creatures that mismatch themselves on purpose to promote genetic diversity. It's true. Google it.